
Mirena or Vasectomy?

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When searching for birth control options (approaching my reversal date) I was pretty set on the fact I wanted something non hormonal, something I didn't want to think about because I have had issues with hormonal birth control in the past therefore I was looking into the copper IUD (it doesn't release hormones). Seemed like a winner until I found this blog. I was....shocked. Needless to say the comments I read were exactly what I had been going through with my tubal.

For any other women out there thinking about using an IUD (of any brand/make) please do your research and beware that women are having issues with them. Issues that yet again doctors are not willing to admit are connected to the IUD itself. In fact Erin Brockovich is investigating so not a great sign for something you are thinking of putting into your body....

My best advice? If the birth control falls to you then the less invasive the better. (condoms, spermicide and a diaphragm work). If the spermicide causes problems then make sure you are using condoms EVERY TIME. If however that is still not enough to rest your mind then maybe you should talk to your honey and see if he's willing to undergo a vasectomy. While I am not a fan, I do know that men are MUCH more likely to be able to get help if they begin to have trouble. ANY surgery or method you choose should be thoroughly researched to be fully informed because the doctors will only tell you what they are required to tell you. You are best to research and talk to those that have USED the method. I learned a long time ago it's best to learn from someone elses mistake/problem/struggle than to have to live it myself. You can start here for answers on vasectomies.

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