
Support and Education

It is a collaborative effort to get all victims together so we can communicate and bring about change. Consider it your news source and a way to fight big pharma- not members. This is NOT a support group.

For the most updated list of doctors or PTLS support and education join our

If you would just like to follow helpful information on PTLS and other health related conditions, follow our

We are starting a movement....

It's time to take back our lives and demand that Dr.'s inform women of the risks of Tubal Ligation (TL). With the help of the internet and many other Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS) friends we are posting everywhere we can to help raise awareness that this condition is VERY real and needs to be researched further. If you have found my blog then you may have ran across one of our many avenues of reaching out to women across the world. We're using CraigslistBaby CenterCafe MomMom ForumFacebook activist group, and Twitter to help bring women's attention to this condition. You will find on the above tabs my personal blog. I've posted some very personal details of my life's pain and journey before, during and after PTLS so that other women that suspect something is going on with their bodies can KNOW, you're not alone and there are many other's out there. Just because it doesn't happen to every woman does not make it any less painful or real for those unlucky one's that do happen to experience problems.

On my site you will find many helpful links that will help direct you to answers your Dr. will NOT likely believe or support because at this time there has been very little research done to PROVE this syndrome is real. However, with the help of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center we've been able to get the word out and  we anxiously await their upcoming publication to educate the masses. Until then please...take the time to read my story and educate yourself further.

Support Groups
If you are suffering or think you are suffering from PTLS then please join my Facebook private/closed group 

We're causing waves and bringing forth a movement. If you would like to get involved and help spread awareness about PTLS then please join our Facebook activist group
Keep checking back as this is our Education page, dedicated to all things PTLS. It will contain many studies or articles helpful or relating to PTLS.

Need to HEAR it from a Doctor? Listen for free to our Podcast with Dr. Charles Monteith of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center 
A possible explanation to Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome: The hormonal causes and its symptoms
A wonderful source for Info and PTLS Education. A website created by Jennifer H.
Tubal Ligation recent Survey results
(Note: MOST of our files and up to date information are kept on our support board and education page)


Post tubal ligation pain By Editorial Advisors, James Carter, MD and Ahmed El-Minawi, MD, PhD | September 19, 2006 

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