

It is a collaborative effort to get all victims together so we can communicate and bring about change. Consider it your news source and a way to fight big pharma- not members. This is NOT a support group.

For the most updated list of doctors or PTLS support and education join our

If you would just like to follow helpful information on PTLS and other health related conditions, follow our
Public education page

If you think PTLS is hell, then you've never met an Essure victim. It's time to hold faulty medical devices accountable for the damage they cause!

Write your state representative!

Thanks to our E-sisters and all of their hard work, there is a new bill just introduced, BUT we need YOUR HELP IN ORDER TO GET IT PASSED INTO A LAW! IT'S TIME TO RESTORE OUR CIVIL RIGHTS!

Love to use Twitter? Keep up to date on the latest projects to bring awareness to PTLS by joining our support and advocacy group by clicking here

Love Pintrest?
We have a PTLS Education board!

Ribbon Pride!

The orig. intent and purpose was posted when this ribbon was released but because of it's widespread use others have infringed upon it's use because I did not "lock it" and prevent it from being used. Everyone is still free to use it on their profile or blog to show their affiliation with the PTLS support and advocacy group or being an education advocate, HOWEVER without the author's consent it can NOT be used to create facebook groups (or other organizations). THE AUTHORS own the rights to this ribbon and we intend for it to be associated with the CORRECT educational information when it is used. Those in violation will have reports filed against them to have it removed. IF you would like to use this ribbon on something OTHER THAN your facebook profile or blog YOU CAN NOT ALTER IT and you MUST contact me (one of the authors) before doing so. The colors were chosen for specific reasons. Anyone with something other than the cover photo colors (on the support group and education page) with this ribbon is not affiliated with the PTLS Support and advocacy group and should be reported for copyright infringement. Anyone creating facebook groups using this ribbon will also be reported. (We want the CORRECT information about PTLS reaching women and intend for that to FOLLOW this ribbon.)

This ribbon was a collaboration from several of our support board members in an effort to distinguish ourselves and our group. We are not just educators but fighters for the greater good of all women struggling with PTLS and we wanted more than just awareness but a collaborative project that has a meaning behind each color that tell our stories...together we came up with this. We hope you like it and proudly display it because it's not just ours but yours. A fund shall be set up in the coming future for sales of this ribbon/products featuring it to fund PTLS education projects, until then, please feel free to use it on your profile or blog to show your pride and your survival of PTLS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

                                         PTLS awareness ribbon color meanings
SILVER represents:
Severe Depression, Anxiety Disorders Burgundy represents:
Adhesions, Cesareans, Headaches & Disabled Adults, (because lets face it with PTLS, we are disabled)
TEAL represents:
Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Ectodermal Dysplasia (Ectodermal dysplasia is a group of conditions in which there is abnormal development of the skin, hair, nails, teeth, or sweat glands) 
WHITE represents:
Hope and Support, Innocence (because we were innocent/uneducated when we chose our ligations) Peace (because we seek it for ourselves and others) Postpartum Depression (because the ligations are performed after births and the depression comes after the births) Right to Life (because we have that right and want for other women to have it as well before consenting to tubal ligations) Safe Motherhood (because we deserve it) Community Support (because we are seeking it from not just those that suffer but the public!) that is why the letters should always be in white
The black:
outlining the letters represents the mourning we have for other women that are suffering as well as our previous lives until we find our day of healing)
BLUE represents:
education (because that's what we want to do for all women) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Alopecia (I know we're not going completely bald but we do lose a lot of hair), Free Speech (because we want to be able to tell every woman about this on the consent forms), Chronic Illness (because many of us stay sick with general illnesses)

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