
Filshie Clip Pain

It is a collaborative effort to get all victims together so we can communicate and bring about change. Consider it your news source and a way to fight big pharma- not members. This is NOT a support group.

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This page was created due to the lack of information I was given prior to receiving my Filshie clips as well as for the women I have talked to globally that have been misinformed on their adverse effects. I suffered severe and debilitating stabbing pains related to my tubal ligation with filshie clips. I'm happy to say I had immediate improvement after my reversal. You can read my full blog story here.

The above is the small print from the Filshie clip brochure that every woman should receive when they get Filshies.
Here is the link to the full brochure
*******NOTICE: As of 9/27/15 the link now misdirects to another page. Please contact me if you would like a copy of the brochure this information was pulled from OR join the facebook support group for a file on Filshie clips that contains this brochure along with pubmed studies showing failure and complications.


  1. My filche clips caused me hell.long story short.there out now and I feel fantastic.filche clips are torture.

    1. Ive been having my clips in for 11 years and my pains are so bad but there is nothing i can do because the dr said the only way i can get the removed is if i have $10,000 i cant afford that ive been to the point were ive just gave up and have been dealing with the pain for years i really need help from someone cause i dont know what else to do i just want them out and i dont want them to do anything else to my body

  2. My name is Brenda a 41 yr old woman. I undergone this surgery in 2000 after my son was born. I went back to the Dr 2 weeks later and told him these thing we're hurting me and he said it just the pain from the surgery gave pain med and sent home. I have been to several Dr sense then for the same problem and no relief . All the Dr blamed the problem on different stuff woman have. I went through many surgeries that were not called for and still had the same pain afterwards and now in more pain from the uncalled surgeries. In 2006 finally got tired of all the doctors and started researching on my on .In 2008 I quit my job cause I was in so much pain and started working for myself. 2013 I got up enough money to do a reversal 1 week later I felt so amazing ;I skin Brighted up, my energy was high again, I was able to move around, and best of all their was no pain at all. So happy I can smile ag a in , I can smile again.

    1. I'm so glad you and Candice were able to get relief. All of the women that join the group with filshie clips have the same complaints and all of them get relief when they have them removed! Congrats and welcome to the other side!

    2. Brenda Edwards since you've been doing research i really need your help because ive just gave up on even going to the doctors anymore ive been dealing with my pains for 11years now and i dont know what to do its to the point my kids help me with everything because i be in so much pain so please help me i dont know what else to do..

  3. Hi, my name is christie and im 27years old ive had the hulka clips for five years know...without knowing this i found out about 3 years ago that the hulka clips was put on my tubes and i contacted a lawyer but they told me it was to late to take action...So im hoping by next year I'll have the money saved up to get a reversal. I was fine before the surgery, now i just have abdominal and lower back pains all the time. Cant wait till they are removed.

  4. I need help had my tubes clamp in 2011 and have had a lot of pain do to it and a lot more going on can you help me I should not have to pay to have them undone can you please help me I need my doctor to understand I need it undone

  5. I have had them since 2008 and since then I've experienced pain I've never felt periods where I bleed thru a box in a day clots the size of eggs and lemons and etc but the doctor can't fix it


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